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Yunnan Institute of Innovation Finance, Yunnan Yunshuo Science and Technology and Shenzhen Buckcloud Network Technology have reached strategic cooperation on the research and application of fast chain

时间 :2019-05-14 浏览 :468
As the only authorized strategic partner of Shenzhen Buckcloud in Yunnan District, Yunshuo Technology will lead the blockchain to take the lead in the innovation and rapid integrated application of blockchain technology in the fields of tobacco, food, medicine and health in Yunnan, and radiate to Southeast Asia.
Yunnan Institute of Innovation Finance, Yunnan Yunshuo Science and Technology and Shenzhen Buckcloud Network Technology have reached strategic cooperation on the research and application of fast chain in Yunnan District.


Gathering force and innovation

Recently, "blockchain" has become a hot and deterministic development direction for the application of the country and various industries. The forward-looking judgment of the CPC Central Committee has put forward clear requirements for promoting the development of blockchain technology and industry. It profoundly expounds the important role of blockchain technology in new technological innovation and industrial transformation. In May 2019, the Yunnan provincial government also proposed that "Yunnan will focus on the application of blockchain technology as a breakthrough to build 'digital Yunnan'" in the Action Plan of Provincial key Prophase projects (2019-2023). In-depth study and understanding of the spirit of the leader's important speech, the future blockchain technology will be more in-depth integration with related industries, and empower the development of various industries.

People from all walks of life are more deeply aware of the great significance of blockchain technology in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform. Focus on development, comply with the trend, strengthen the basic application research of block chain, accelerate the implementation of block chain technology and the innovative development of industrial integration, integrate resources, improve the ability of block chain application and block chain management, promote the deep integration of block chain and real economic innovation models, promote block chain technology integration, landing application and integration to promote the healthy development of industry, is the hot spot of the future trend.

On November 17, 2019, Shenzhen Buckcloud Network Technology Co., Ltd. formally signed bilateral and multilateral strategic cooperation agreements with Yunnan Innovation Finance Research Institute and Yunnan Yunshuo Technology Co., Ltd. in Kunming Cuihu Hotel, Yunnan. The signing of the relevant strategic agreement will accelerate the application and implementation of blockchain integration technology in Yunnan's financial, tobacco, food and drug industries. At the same time, all parties conducted in-depth communication with relevant enterprises and experts around the opportunity to realize blockchain technology, and made business discussions on the future blockchain innovation drive and in-depth cooperation. As the only authorized strategic partner of Shenzhen Buckcloud in Yunnan District, Yunshuo Technology will make every effort to organize the application and promotion of blockchain technology and industry in Yunnan and even Southeast Asian countries in the future.

Buckcloud was founded in October 2016, and the entrepreneurial team is the former core technical team of Xunlei. Focusing on the research and development of the underlying technologies of the future Internet with the core concept of "Blockchain is cloud, Internet is blockchain", it is a leading distributed OS development organization in China, covering the whole industry chain with core technologies in the block chain. Its main products include completely self-developed block chain technology stack ChainSDK (covering the underlying protocol to the upper application framework), edge computing products for real-time communication and large-scale data transmission, and Serverless cloud computing products BuckyCloud. The core P2P protocol (BDT) and framework involved in the ChainSDK1.0 version have been open source on github and have been applied to a number of mainstream alliance chain and public chain projects. The company has also explored a number of DApp products in the form of technology partnership and is a leading high-tech enterprise in the blockchain industry.

Yunnan Yunshuo Science and Technology focuses on traditional and new tobacco and large health industries, focusing on the development and utilization of Yunnan's superior biological resources, creating a circular economy, and deeply integrating block chain, Internet and big data innovation. continue to promote in an intelligent way, enable to provide intelligent atomization and health overall solutions, and become a product manufacturer and health management service provider for people's new way of healthy life.

Yunnan Institute of Innovation Finance is a new type of financial non-governmental think tank set up with the strong support of Yunnan provincial government. The research institute aims to introduce the top financial scholars in China, train local financial talents in Yunnan, improve the level of local financial research in Yunnan, and promote the development of local financial system and financial market in Yunnan. With the mission of promoting financial market system and product innovation, the Institute closely tracks the trends of China's financial market and financial supervision, combined with the practical needs of local finance, to promote the all-round development of Yunnan's local financial industry in the aspects of market cultivation, regulatory innovation and personnel training. Promote the development of Yunnan and domestic financial markets and financial industries, as well as the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. The Institute cooperates with Yunnan University to launch the Donglu Institute of Finance of Yunnan University. And set up a financial engineering and artificial intelligence research center. Dr. Ba Shusong, Dean, is the Executive Dean, Professor and doctoral Supervisor of the HSBC Institute of Finance, Peking University; Chief Economist, China Banking Association; Chief China Economist, Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

This multi-party cooperation originated from Yunnan Yunshuo Technology Co., Ltd. invited Mr. CEO Liu Zhicong, founder of Shenzhen Buckcloud Network Technology Co., Ltd., to discuss how to deepen the industrial application and cooperative promotion of blockchain technology on the basis of the business already carried out in Kunming. Yunnan Institute of Innovation Finance and Yunnan Yunshuo Science and Technology Co., Ltd. respectively employ Mr. Liu Zhicong as a special senior researcher and chief expert of blockchain, and plan to set up a joint venture company to jointly promote the industrial development of blockchain in Yunnan and Southeast Asia as soon as possible.

As the founder of Shenzhen Bakyun, Mr. Liu Zhicong is committed to the research of distributed operating systems and basic technologies for the next generation Internet. He once served as the former chief engineer of Xunlei. During his tenure at Xunlei, he led the design and development of a number of Xunlei core products. He is a top expert in many fields such as blockchain technology, P2P networks, distributed systems, and computer graphics. In 2015, he won the second prize in the National Science and Technology Progress Award for its "Key Supporting Technologies for Large-Scale Internet Streaming Media Services" project. During the conference, Mr. Liu Zhicong gave a key introduction to the core ideas of blockchain and the development of industrial application trends.

Yunnan Innovation Finance Research Institute, Yunnan Yunshuo Technology and Shenzhen Bakyun Company will jointly seize the major opportunities brought by blockchain technology and industrial development, integrate resources, and work together to rapidly promote the steady and healthy application of blockchain technology in Yunnan industries. Development, driving blockchain to take the lead in innovation and rapid integrated application of blockchain technology in Yunnan's tobacco, food, medicine and general health fields.

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