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Liu Dianchun, Deputy District Mayor of Panlong District, and his party came to Yunshuo Technology to guide the work

时间 :2022-02-28 浏览 :186
Liu Dianchun, Deputy District Mayor of Panlong District, and his party came to Yunshuo Technology to guide the work

At 9 a.m. on February 28, 2022, Liu Dianchun, deputy mayor of Panlong District Government of Kunming City, led the main leaders of the District Statistics Bureau, Commerce and Investment Promotion Bureau, Market Supervision Administration Bureau and Ciba Subdistrict Office to Yunnan Yunshuo Technology Co., Ltd. to hold the "On-site Communication Meeting on Enterprise Development and Park Construction." Accompanied by Chairman Wang Tao, district leaders visited the company's environment, professional laboratories, etc.

After the meeting began, Chairman Wang Tao gave a detailed introduction to the company's current situation, development ideas and other issues. It is mentioned that Yunshuo Technology has gone from its inception to its epidemic transformation, and now it is strong and ready to go. During this period, it cannot be separated from the support and help of leaders at all levels in Panlong District. Deputy District Mayor Liu Dianchun said: According to Yunshuo's development needs, we will actively provide corresponding government services and policy support, and provide timely and effective information guidance on specific issues to solve practical difficulties and help and promote the further development of enterprises.

During this period, Chairman Wang Tao gave detailed answers one by one in response to the safety issues of tobacco flavors and fragrances, e-cigarette oils and low-temperature heating non-combustible products that leaders of Panlong District were concerned about. Yunshuo Technology products are carried out by exploring natural plant resources, selecting characteristic plants, and using biological targeting technology and target application system for green extraction, separation and modulation of flowers, fruits, tea, Chinese herbal medicines, tobacco and other plants. The product is rich in aroma ingredients, which not only has the characteristics of reducing harm and increasing, but also has health attributes. At the same time, Chairman Wang Tao also said that the company must always adhere to the development concept of "providing supporting services around tobacco" and rely on the unique resource advantages of Yunnan's "Plant Kingdom" and "Tobacco Kingdom" to carry out in-depth technological upgrades for biological aroma production and biological aroma adjustment. and product innovation and research to create a new dream for Yunnan enterprises.

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